Student Archives - Violin Shop Talk Life Lessons for Luthiers and Musicians Sat, 18 Mar 2023 15:07:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 188177060 DON’T PRACTICE TO BE PERFECT Tue, 06 Jul 2021 14:20:25 +0000   I am an advocate of practicing so that you can ENJOY playing a piece. Practice makes perfect is  something we constantly hear and strive towards as string players, but it can be a source of incredible stress as well.  Why?   Because mistakes happen. A string will break. Your bow Continue Reading

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I am an advocate of practicing so that you can ENJOY playing a piece. Practice makes perfect is  something we constantly hear and strive towards as string players, but it can be a source of incredible stress as well. 


Because mistakes happen. A string will break. Your bow will break. The room will be so cold that you  can’t feel your fingers, or it will be so hot that your instrument slips from your sweaty palms. You will  forget a note. You will go sharp. You will go flat. You will forget your music. Forget your place. Maybe  even forget your name.  

That doesn’t mean it will happen every time, but it will happen. And when it does, you need to not let it  freak you out in the future. The best you can do is practice, prepare, be reasonable, and don’t forget to  forgive yourself if something unexpected happens. 


• Set time aside each day to play without distractions. Turn off the TV and set your ringer to silent. • Make sure you tune. I like to use the TE Tuner app set to fine tuning and saw wave. • I like to play one “fun” song to loosen up before I get down to business. 

• Start (or continue) your practice session with at least 15 minutes of scales. 

• Practice slowly in the beginning. My teacher and I always mark out small passages that are tricky  and require more attention. 

• I cannot stress how wonderful a good teacher is in helping with fingerings and phrasing. • Practice with a metronome to instill muscle memory. 


Some things are inevitable when you begin competitions or auditioning, but preparation can help. An  extra set of strings, a second bow and a tuner are important. But here are some other common issues. 

Playing too fast– When you perform, your nerves will get to you. This means that your heart will  start to beat faster, and your playing will follow suite. This is why practicing with a metronome is  so important. It helps instill muscle memory. 

Distraction – Practice in whatever shoes and clothing you will perform in until you get used to it. You don’t want to be distracted by things you aren’t used to wearing. Also, make sure you eat  (don’t overeat), drink and go to the restroom before you perform. 

Tight playing –Another common stress response of the body, is constricted blood flow to the  fingers. Yes, the body betrays string players when under stress. To help prevent this, make sure  to stretch before you play and if you know it will be a cold room, you might want to consider  wearing gloves beforehand. 


One of the worst feelings is knowing that you should have practiced more. On the flip side of that, driving  yourself crazy (in search of perfection) until you loathe the piece or worse, your instrument, is not a great  feeling either. • Remember, if you are enjoy performing a piece, your audience will enjoy listening. • Try positive affirmation. Say “I’ve practiced, I’ve prepared, and I’m ready to do my best now”  before you perform. I find it more soothing than the “Don’t screw up. Don’t screw up. Don’t screw  up.” mantra that initializes panic mode in my brain.

• If something unfavorable does happen, remember that every performing musician alive has  experienced some of those same things. Forgive yourself. 

In Cellos We Trust – Matrick Thorpe

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Students guide to your first Solo Competition Sun, 07 Feb 2021 18:04:47 +0000   IMPORTANT FIRST STEPS:  Let your parent/guardians know the date, time, and place you need to be at for the competition and  make sure that they are totally on board with it (as well as any costs involved).  As a young cellist that *coughs* may or may not have neglected Continue Reading

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Let your parent/guardians know the date, time, and place you need to be at for the competition and  make sure that they are totally on board with it (as well as any costs involved). 

As a young cellist that *coughs* may or may not have neglected to tell his own parents ahead of time  about competition commitments… This is critical. 

Read the rules. 

  • Most competitions require a registration fee. If you are a student, sometimes your school may  cover this. 
  • You may be required to provide recommendation letters from your music teacher/private  coach. If this is necessary, make sure to give them a few weeks’ notice. 
  • If the music and required scales are provided…make sure to print them and put them into a  practice folder so you can easily locate them. 
  • You may need to purchase the music from a music shop or through an online store. o If you are purchasing a piece online, make sure you are buying the exact version that is  necessary. 

o You are often required to provide an original version to each judge before you sit down  to play. Yes, this means that you often need to purchase 2-3 judge copies and one for  yourself. 

  • If it’s a piece requiring accompaniment, check to see if you must have a pianist or if a recording  will suffice. 
  • If a pianist will be required, do they supply one or do you need to bring your own? o Unless it’s a fellow student. Teacher or guardian, you will need to pay the pianist for  practice time and performing. 

o Remember to share all of the audition details with them, and it is your responsibility to  provide them with the music. 

Make sure you have enough time to learn the required piece/pieces. 

Don’t forget to actually register. 


  • Acquire the music quickly and keep it together. 
  • If applicable, purchase a clear piano recording for accompaniment, or give the piece to a pianist  you are hiring. 
  • Set aside time each day to practice.
  • Practice with a metronome. 

o This will help you play the piece correctly. 

o Also, it is very common to play through a piece too fast when nervous. A metronome  can help instill muscle memory. 

  • If you have a private teacher, you need to schedule time to work out bowings, fingerings and  dynamics. 

o Remember to copy all of the markings onto each version for the judges as well. Once you have the piece ready for competition, schedule 1-2 practice sessions with your pianist. Remind your parents/guardians of the upcoming competition. 

o I put a magnet with the details on our front door leading up to the competition (again,  lesson learned). 

o Also, your accompanist. 


Make sure you eat and hydrate. Don’t wait until after. Sometimes it can take forever to actually play for  the judges, and you do not want to be driven to distraction with hunger… or lightheadedness…or thirst,  etc. (Trust the cellist – I speak from experience). 

Don’t forget to bring your: 


Bow (I also carry a backup bow) 


Music (and the extras for the judges) 


Rock stop or strap if you are a cellist. 

Shoulder rest if you are a violinist/violist. 

I have seen bassists bring their own stools (but check with the coordinator first)

Extra strings – just in case 

Fingerless gloves or a disposable hand warmer (it’s hard to play when your fingers are cold)- take them off before you play. 

Piano recording and MP3 player (if applicable) 

If you are lucky enough to have more than one supporting Guardian, you may find that one (or more) of  them may not be the best in high stress situations and tend to upset your calm. If possible, leave that  one at home or give them a book or something to focus on other than you.  

Again, trust the cellist – I (unfortunately) speak from experience. 

Dress as they require. Sometimes it might mean concert attire, but generally be comfortable and dress  nicely (I have yet to see rules requiring Lord of The Rings cosplay, but one can always hope). 

You’ve arrived:

  • Sign in. 
  • Use the restroom. 
  • Check in with your teacher if they are there. 
  • Tune up before you are called to stand in line. 
  • You will likely be standing in line outside of your assigned judges’ room for a bit. Be respectful of  the players inside. Don’t talk too loudly or fidget with your instrument. 

When it’s your turn: 

  • You (and your accompanists) will say hello to and hand the judges the music if required  (remember, copies are not acceptable) 
  • Sit down and set your music in front of you if you have not committed the piece to memory. The judges will signal you when to begin. 
  • Take a moment to breathe… I count to 5 before I start. 
  • Do your best! 

After you finish your piece: 

  • Some judges will ask you questions, some will not. 
  • Some judges may ask you what you know about the piece or the composer.  
  • They may ask you to repeat a few notes. 
    • This is not a bad thing, don’t freak out if you are asked. 
  • Also, don’t freak out if you are not asked. 
  • They may provide some initial feedback. They may not. 
  • Remember they are professionals and there to help you get better, so listen to what  they say (even if it differs from the approach you’ve been taught). 
  • Remember to thank the judges and retrieve your music. 
  • Wish the incoming player good luck. 

Congratulations on taking your first steps into the world of competitive music! 

Check with the organizer so you don’t drive yourself crazy wondering but, it may be several days or  several weeks until you get full feedback from the judges. 

However, that feedback that you got right after you performed… that may have been the whole  enchilada. 

Speaking of food, go get something to eat again. If you’re anything like me… You’re probably starving. 

Important Personal Note – If you didn’t do as well as you would have liked to, that’s ok. I’ve screwed up  lots of times. 


A lot. 

But as a student actively competing, I cannot stress enough how important it is to remember that  auditioning is a skillset that requires (just like music) practice. 

The more you practice. The easier it is. 

I promise. 

In Cellos We Trust – Matrick

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Music Student Musings – Choosing the Right Bow Sun, 07 Feb 2021 17:45:04 +0000 When you’re ready for a new bow, whether it is a replacement bow, a back-up, or time for an upgrade,  you should go to a reputable luthier or bowmaker (also known as an archetier).  If you have recently moved to a new area, and don’t know where to go:  • Continue Reading

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When you’re ready for a new bow, whether it is a replacement bow, a back-up, or time for an upgrade,  you should go to a reputable luthier or bowmaker (also known as an archetier). 

If you have recently moved to a new area, and don’t know where to go: 

• You can search for online reviews. 

• You can contact a music teacher at a nearby school to be referred to a local professional. • If you see a string musician performing, wait until they take a break, and ask them. 

Once you have decided on where to go… do not forget to bring your own instrument. 

Be honest and open with the seller when establishing what kind of price range you are comfortable  with. Remember that bow costs are quite varied. They can be priced at under a hundred to several thousand dollars (and higher). 

Have them pull out several bows within that range. 

Pick a scale and a small movement that you know well. 

Play both (with each bow) on your own instrument to decide which one sounds best. Remember to try different techniques as well.  

• Tremolo 

• Staccato 

• Spiccato 

• Legato  

• Try singing your ABCs in one stroke. 

• Double stops 

Do not be afraid to take your time selecting a bow.  

Also remember: 

• Heavier bows can be tiring to play for an extended period of time but can produce louder sounds easier. 

• Lighter bows result in less fatigue during long play sessions, but they will require more effort to  create a louder sound.

They are also excellent for Spiccato – off the string strokes (bouncing). 

Side note – I also find that bow shopping can be a good time to pick up a new cake of rosin as they do  tend to dry out over time… or in my case get dropped and shatter. 

Remember to have fun with the process. 

In Cellos we trust – Matrick.

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Know Your Bow – The Beginner’s Stuff… Thu, 04 Feb 2021 12:48:35 +0000 By a student for a student. The stick of your bow is made of wood or carbon fiber.  The hair will generally be horsehair, and traditionally (unless you are a fancy bass player) that hair will  be white. The cheapest beginning online bows tend to use synthetic nylon.  Bow cost Continue Reading

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By a student for a student.

The stick of your bow is made of wood or carbon fiber. 

The hair will generally be horsehair, and traditionally (unless you are a fancy bass player) that hair will  be white. The cheapest beginning online bows tend to use synthetic nylon. 

Bow cost will range from under a hundred to several thousands of dollars. 

Wow that’s crazy! I can’t afford thousands… I’m just a beginner. 

Don’t worry, I can’t either! And as a student/beginner, you don’t need to. 

Start with a more affordable beginner bow. A good luthier carries several bows at various price points. 

To give you an idea, I started with a $60 bow. I have been playing for 3 ½ years and now have a few bows  priced under $200. 

However, I will say that a bow is an integral part of the sound you produce. So, you should look at  upgrading your beginning bow once you start to take your playing a bit more seriously. 

For a student this can mean looking into an upgrade after successfully completing a few Suzuki books or  a book of etudes. 

Ack! I bought a brand-new bow, and it doesn’t make any sound. 

Sound is created from vibration. For strings instruments it’s the tension and friction of the hairs and  strings against each other. 


  • If you bought your bow online, there is likely no rosin on it. 
  • No rosin= no sound. 
  • So, you need to apply rosin to the hair of the bow so that there is friction, which again, creates  sound when pulled across the strings of your instrument.  


  • Tension is also important, so you will need to create that by turning the screw at the frog of the  bow clockwise until there is an appropriate amount of tension. 
  • When you are done playing for the day, you need to remember to loosen the tension of the bow  by turning the screw counterclockwise. 

Okay, I have Rosin. How much do I use? 

On a brand-new bow. quite a few strokes up and down the hair to coat them. 

Depending on how much you have been playing or the humidity of the environment you are in, you may need to reapply more rosin to your bow during a single play session. 

You will likely always need to re-rosin at the beginning of any session. 

Whoa… There are a lot of rosin brands out there. Which one should I use? 

Well, that is going to depend on a lot of factors: 

  • The instrument that you play on. 
  • The type of strings that are on your instrument. 
  • The humidity of the environment that you play in. 
  • Personal play style. 

Largely, it will be a personal choice. And that choice is likely to change over time.  Start with a less expensive option and try different types as you continue to play. Currently, I use Andrea Solo Cello Rosin. Though I am also a fan of Guillaume Rosin. 

Anything else important that I should do for my bow

Having a dedicated soft bristle toothbrush for your bow is important. Once a week, use a few long  strokes to remove excess rosin. 

Wipe the stick of the bow down after each practice session with a clean cloth, this removes any rosin dust and keeps the bow in a good clean condition.

Why do you want to me remove rosin if I need to reapply it? 

Because air temperature, humidity and even the sweat of your fingertips can make the rosin stick  together a bit too much. We need the rosin to make the hair and strings vibrate across each other. But if the hairs are too slick, you won’t get good contact.  

This means that you won’t be able to produce nice, even sounds. 

I noticed there are some hairs whipping around crazily when I play. What do I do? No worries, you broke a hair.  

While some contemporary players keep them flowing around for visual effect (I’m looking at you,  YouTubers) … This practice can really interfere with clean sounds.

Don’t grab scissors to trim the fly away hair. Instead, wrap the broken bow hair around your finger near  the frog/or tip and then with a quick tug pull the hair and it will snap free.

My bow is starting to lose more hairs than my Uncle Eddy and doesn’t sound as nice as it used to. It may be time to visit a luthier or local bow specialist. 

  • If you have a beginner bow and it’s time to rehair, you may choose instead to buy a new bow (as  it may be cheaper.) 
  • If you have an intermediate or professional bow, you will want to have it rehaired.  o This may take several days, so having a backup bow can be useful. 

The piece of music I am practicing requires me to pluck the strings, then go back to using the bow.  What the heck do I do with it while I am plucking? 

When you use a bow on your instrument, that is referred to as playing Arco. Arco is generally only  notated on a piece of music if the previous notes have been plucked with your fingertips (pizzicato or  pizz.) 

I play a lot of pop music, so I often switch back and forth between the two styles. It’s just something you  have to practice. 

I shift my hold from the normal bow grip to holding it with the last three digits on my hand against my palm. 


Is there anything else? 

Yes! There is so much more to learn. And you’re in the right place.  

I’m not a professional, but as a student over the years, I’ve learned some stuff. 

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Improve Brain Function through Playing the Violin Mon, 01 Feb 2021 12:51:05 +0000 Improve brain function through playing the violin provides a nice way of playing a musical instrument that exercises the brain by engaging almost every part of the brain, including regions responsible for processing vision, sound, movement, and memory. This is what sets it apart from other brain activities such as Continue Reading

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Improve brain function through playing the violin provides a nice way of playing a musical instrument that exercises the brain by engaging almost every part of the brain, including regions responsible for processing vision, sound, movement, and memory. This is what sets it apart from other brain activities such as chess and puzzles. Instruments turn on every area of the brain simultaneously, and this is because it uses three of our senses: vision, hearing,  touch, and fine movements. As a result, playing an instrument can cause long-lasting positive changes in the brain. This article talks about:

  1. Studies of the brain when practicing music
  2. The functions of the brain that are exercised while playing violin
  3. Effects on brain chemistry and how it helps recovery from injury

Improve Brain Function Through Playing the Violin Studies

Brain scans have shown distinct differences between musicians and non-musicians. Neurologists have been able to identify different brain structures between the two, especially in an area called the callosum, a bundle of nerve fibers connecting the two sides of the brain, which is generally larger in musicians. Multiple studies have shown that children with musical training displayed more powerful structural and functional brain changes that those who did not play instruments.

One of the most affected areas of the brain that showed structural and functional changes is the hippocampus, a vital part of the brain involved in learning and memory. Neurogenesis- the formation of new neurons, is a process vital for learning and memory which occurs in the hippocampus. Due to this, musical training enhances neurogenesis which is linked to improved learning and memory.

Improve Brain Function Through Playing the Violin as well as Motor Function

While playing an instrument, a musician’s motor systems in the brain control the movements that produce sound. The sound is then processed by auditory circuitry and sent to the brain. And if the musician is reading sheet music, visual information is sent to the brain as well. Due to the brain activity involved in playing an instrument, musicians are shown to be able to process more things at once than the average person.

Remarkable Recovery in Brain Injuries Based on Playing Music

Another remarkable affect that music has is helping the brain recover from injury. It has been discovered that individuals that have suffered from brain injury or stroke can benefit significantly from musical training. A study performed on 20 stroke patients, none of whom had any previous musical experience produced an impressive report after only three weeks of training. The researchers reported “Patients showed significant improvement after treatment with respect to speed, precision and smoothness of movements as shown by 3D movement analysis and clinical motor tests. Furthermore, compared to the control subjects, motor control in everyday activities improved significantly. In conclusion, this innovative therapeutic strategy is an effective approach for the motor skill neurorehabilitation of stroke patients.” 

Improve Brain Function Through Playing the Violin Conclusion

Playing an instrument has proved itself to be extremely beneficial to the brain in numerous ways and aspects. It can cause improved ability to learn and memorize, increase the ability to process thoughts simultaneously, and is shown to be beneficial in helping one recover from brain injury or stroke. All these significant findings may even convince one to start learning an instrument and begin musical training. You may also be interested in reading more about why is it important to learn musical theory?

Need a Beginner Instrument?

Core Academy Violin Student quality violin. Plain maple back and sides, spruce top, inlaid purfling, and ebony fingerboard, nut & saddle. Includes ebony pegs and endbutton, French bridge, composite tailpiece with 4 integrated tuners.

Howard Core Beginner Violin

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What is the Best Age to Begin Violin Lessons? Mon, 01 Feb 2021 12:44:02 +0000 There is no perfect age to begin taking violin lessons. It is no doubt better to start young in order to get an early start; however, many teachers agree that three years old is the youngest age that a child should be when starting violin lessons. If the child is any younger, they will likely not Continue Reading

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There is no perfect age to begin taking violin lessons. It is no doubt better to start young in order to get an early start; however, many teachers agree that three years old is the youngest age that a child should be when starting violin lessons. If the child is any younger, they will likely not be old enough to benefit from music lessons. It is recommended and advised that you should delay enrollment until your child reaches four or five years of age but there may be a few aspects to consider before enrolling your child into violin lessons at a young age.  Those include:

  1. Lessons are not structured at younger ages
  2. Lessons are more considered games than actual lessons
  3.  Your child must have a good attention span
  4. Your child should have good patience
  5. Always wait for your child to show curiosity or interest in the instrument

The Best Age to Begin Violin Lessons May Require Games

 Before your child starts attending violin lessons at the ripe age of three or four, you may want to consider the possible disadvantages early lessons may bring, as well as if they will be beneficial to your child at all. At a young age, the lessons would consist of musical games as opposed to any structured lessons. This is because introducing a rigorous curriculum at such a young age may be ineffective or even produce counter-productive results; the child could develop a feeling of resentment towards the instrument if forced upon at a very early age. You would also have to acknowledge that your child may not be ready; here are a few aspects to examine in your child to determine if they are prepared to begin violin lessons. 

Lessons at a Young Age Require Attention and Patience

An important quality that your child must possess prior to starting violin lessons is an appropriate attention span. Although lessons may start at only thirty to forty-five minutes, your child will need to focus for a prolonged period of time. Some children will be able to sustain the required amount of attention by the age of three, while others may not be ready until age five.  

Another trait that should be developed before starting music lessons is patience. Learning the violin will certainly take time, and your child must have the patience to endure the process of learning an instrument. Learning the violin will not come with instant gratification, some children may become frustrated because they want to get into the more interesting and entertaining part of music immediately. Your child must have enough patience to persevere through the early learning until lessons become “fun.” 

Best Age to Begin Violin Lessons at a Young Age Requires Passion

Although it is not essential, it is highly recommended that you do not enroll your child into violin lessons until they have displayed a curiosity or interest in music or the violin. This is critical in keeping your child engaged in their lessons. If they are not passionate about the violin, they will not reach their fullest potential, and will likely grow to loathe attending their lessons if forced at an early age. 

Best Age to Begin Violin Lessons at a Young Age Conclusion

The general consensus between violin teachers on when to begin violin lessons is that it depends on your child’s capabilities rather than their age. There are many components that factor into the decision on whether or not your child is ready to start attending violin lessons. And if you believe that they possess the necessary interest, attention, and patience to start their musical training then it may be time to start searching for possible teachers and begin lessons. 

What is the best age to begin violin lessons? This is difficult question to answer but the obvious answer should be as soon as they express interest and have the attention span to soak up what is being taught. A good instructor that is attentive and receptive while teaching is your best first step. You can also leverage these parental practice tips to help your child along!

Need a Beginner Instrument?

Core Academy Violin Student quality violin. Plain maple back and sides, spruce top, inlaid purfling, and ebony fingerboard, nut & saddle. Includes ebony pegs and endbutton, French bridge, composite tailpiece with 4 integrated tuners.

Howard Core Beginner Violin

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6 Key Traits that define a great music teacher. Mon, 01 Feb 2021 12:39:54 +0000 Updated: 2/4/2023A great music teacher must possess many important qualities. Different types of personality traits dictate if you have a good teacher, and monitoring those traits will help you navigate finding a right fit. For us, we have defined 5 Key Traits that define a great music teacher. Those traits Continue Reading

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Updated: 2/4/2023

A great music teacher must possess many important qualities. Different types of personality traits dictate if you have a good teacher, and monitoring those traits will help you navigate finding a right fit. For us, we have defined 5 Key Traits that define a great music teacher. Those traits are:

  • Genuine love for music
  • Good communication skills
  • Patience
  • Positive Attitude
  • Skill gap knowledge
  • Variety of tools

We hope this list helps you make a great connection for your musical career or hobby.

Great Music Teachers have a genuine love for music

A good music teacher must first love the art that they teach. It is crucial for a teacher to express love towards music as expertise in music alone is not enough to inspire students. Pupils will study better with teachers who are enthusiastic about the subject. This will not only encourage students to practice, but will help them be more committed to their lessons.

Great Music Teachers have good communication skills

Communication between a teacher and a student is crucial for the student to learn effectively. Explaining the intricate ideas of music can be a daunting task for some, but a good music teacher should be able to simplify these subjects and make them easy to understand and learn for the student. A teacher should be an approachable listener that students can contact easily to ask questions. Good communication will help the student learn tremendously in addition to assuring them they will have a mentor to help them navigate the vast world of music.

Great Music Teachers have Patience

A good music teacher must possess and demonstrate an abundance of patience. They must understand that different students develop their musical skills at different rates, and should be willing to attend to each one’s needs. 

Some students may take longer to understand certain concepts than others, but a great music teacher is aware of this, and will take the time to explain them until the student has fully grasped the topic.

Furthermore, an effective teacher will always take the time to offer the student constructive criticism after listening to them play their instrument. They take the time to identify areas that the student needs to improve on and works with them to achieve their goal. 

Great Music Teachers have a positive attitude

A teacher’s attitude generally has a tremendous influence on how well a pupil learns and how much they enjoy doing so. A good teacher should be positive and encouraging, but should also have the ability to balance out critiques and compliments.

A teacher’s positive attitude and encouraging words play a major part in the student’s overall confidence of their musical skills. A teacher that remains positive will nurture and motivate their student.

Knowledge of the capabilities of their students

A good teacher will always be aware of and keep in mind the capabilities of their students. In turn, the students will not become discouraged if excessively pushed, and will not learn at a pace too slow for them. It is important to understand that practicing to be perfect is not the best way to practice – and if you feel that is what your are being pushed into, you can make a change sooner rather than later!

Knowing the capabilities of a student will allow the teacher to select an appropriate piece for them to learn that will challenge them without overwhelming them. This is extremely important because if a piece is too challenging for a student, it will only result in frustration and may affect one’s confidence. Similarly, a piece that is too easy for the student will not challenge the student into learning, and will result in them learning at pace that does not do justice to the student’s learning abilities.

Variety of Tools

A good music teacher will have a variety of tools at their disposal to help maintain your body of work. In this sense, your body of work equates to the planning documentation and notations acquired from each lesson that help maintain your progress. Tools can be:

  • Practice logs, journals, and lesson plans
  • Outlines, assessments, timelines, and schedules
  • Applications that assist with the organization of your overall routine

Having good structure to your practice is important, so teachers who have applications to maintain your documentation is helpful. This can include things like Zoom Lessons, Tuned Into Violin Practice Logs, or apps like Tom Play that provide backing track and metronome capability. Finding a teacher in tune with technology can help enhance your capabilities as well as help in times that might require lessons to go online. Check out this video on how to set up for a Zoom music lesson!

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What size Violin do I need? Fri, 22 Jan 2021 01:51:07 +0000 Updated 1/28/2023Are you looking for the right size violin? Most adults and pretty much anyone over five foot tall will play on a full size violin which is also called a 4/4 size. If you have smaller hands or shorter arms than an average adult then you may need a Continue Reading

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Updated 1/28/2023
Are you looking for the right size violin? Most adults and pretty much anyone over five foot tall will play on a full size violin which is also called a 4/4 size. If you have smaller hands or shorter arms than an average adult then you may need a smaller violin.  You will need to be able to determining what size violin you or your child may need. Don’t worry you are only a couple paragraphs away from knowing how to pick the correct size.

The Violin is made to eight standard sizes. The size corresponds to the length of the body of the violin. The neck and scroll of the violin are simply built in proportion to the body of the instrument so this is not necessary to measure. The smallest size is named a 1/16 size and has a body length of 9 inches. Each size increases slightly and are named 1/10, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 7/8 and finally 4/4 or full size (about 14 inches .)

Measuring Your Body for the Right Size Violin

The right size violin can be determined by the right type of measurement process. Have the player sit or stand upright, point one arm out their side and turn your palm to the sky, measure from the neck to wrist. The measurement chart below should help you determine what size you will need. If in doubt always go with the smaller size as this is much more comfortable than slightly too big.

VIOLIN SIZE LENGTH (Neck to wrist)
1/16 33.5 cm or less, 13 ¼ inches
1/10 36 cm, 14 ¼ inches
1/8 38.5 cm, 15 ¼ inches
1/4 44 cm,17 ¼ inches
1/2 48.5 cm,19 inches
3/4 52 cm, 20 ½ inches
4/4 54 cm, 21 ¼ inches

The best way to make certain is with the help of a private teacher or an experienced violin shop.  Most violin shops will have a great trade in policy so that you can simply move up in size at very little cost. When buying a violin make sure that the bow and case are sized appropriately for the instrument.

Need a Beginner Instrument?

Core Academy Violin Student quality violin. Plain maple back and sides, spruce top, inlaid purfling, and ebony fingerboard, nut & saddle. Includes ebony pegs and endbutton, French bridge, composite tailpiece with 4 integrated tuners.

Howard Core Beginner Violin

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6 Tips for Buying the Best Beginner Violin. Mon, 18 Jan 2021 22:33:26 +0000 Finding the best beginner violin is start of your musical journey, it should be enjoyable, educational and an exciting experience.  Creating music is one of life’s gifts to yourself and the world.  Being informed and educated will allow you to make the best decision for the best price.  Once this Continue Reading

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Finding the best beginner violin is start of your musical journey, it should be enjoyable, educational and an exciting experience.  Creating music is one of life’s gifts to yourself and the world.  Being informed and educated will allow you to make the best decision for the best price.  Once this hurdle is crossed you can begin to play music and benefit from the many improvements that it can bring to you or your child’s life.

1. Materials and Workmanship for Your Beginner Violin

The price of a violin is usually determined by two major factors, the quality and cost of the materials and craftsmanship.  A quality violin is made from solid materials, spruce, maple, and ebony.  There are many plywood and laminated instruments available and although they are more durable than solid wood they do not produce the warm rich tone that are provided from violins that are made from solid carved wood can provide.  The better the violin sounds the more likely you will continue to play it, so its best not to go for the cheapest option while picking your first violin.  Try them side by side, you should be able to hear the difference.  Most beginner violins are factory made by hand to insure a good quality sound, more advanced violins are made by one individual maker from start to finish. A maker of violins is often called a luthier which roughly translated to “Maker of Lutes” an earlier form of string instrument.  A violin made by the hand of a luthier usually takes around 200 hours and is rather costly for a beginner.

2. Find the Correct Size for the Player

Finding the perfect size violin is extremely important. Adults use full-size violins, also called “4/4.” But children will need a violins that is proportional to their body size. The wrong size instrument can create serious issues and lead repetitive strain injuries as well as the development of bad technique. It is always better to play a violin a little smaller if in doubt, avoid thinking that you will grow into it.

There are 7 common sizes of violins.  The largest of the sizes is called full size or 4/4 and is usually played by anyone that is at least five foot tall.   Each size of violin decreases roughly one inch in body length. It is best to ask an experienced violinist, your teacher or any staff at a reputable violin shop to help you find the right fit. 

3. Price Range and Quality

The price ranges of beginner violins can vary but ideally you will want to spend anywhere from $500-$600 for the complete outfit.  An Intermediate violin usually starts around $1,500 and will be a more dynamic instrument capable of producing a wider range of tonal color and volume at the musicians request. Professional violins can cost several thousand dollars up into the millions for a piece of antiquity. How much you should spend you your first violin is an entirely personal choice, our advice is spend as much as you can without breaking the bank.

Beginner Violin Outfit Model V51

Solid carved spruce top with maple back and sides
Ebony peg, finger board and chinrest
Comes with carbon fiber bow
Comes with violin case

4. Shop in store or buy online for your Beginner Violin

Shopping online is easier but make sure that you have done your homework and know exactly what you are going to get.  Some online violins do not come ready to play and require some setup and adjustment just to be playable.  Read reviews and ask questions as to the return policy and trade in options as you will want to upgrade this beginner violin soon and do not want your initial investment to go to waste.  Shopping for a violin in a Violin Shop can and should be a great experience.  Most shop owners and team members are musicians themselves and love to share their knowledge and passion with their clientele.  Developing a relationship with your local shop will save you much confusion and heartache as your musical ability grows.  Often Violin Shops have a great trade in policy which allows you trade any violin purchased with them in for up to 100% value toward a bigger or better instrument.

5. Should I rent or Buy?

Renting a beginner violin is a great option to get started.  The up front cost is not as high as an outright purchase and it can give you time to make sure that this is something that you are going to stick with.  If you decide that its not for you then you can simply return the rental, you may not get the money paid as rent back but its a a better alternative than having a violin that you paid full price for but no longer play.  Check with your local instrument shops to discuss rental rates and policies. Most Violin Shops also have a rent to own option that is not that much more expensive that purchasing it outright but will allow you the option to build equity and also trade the violin in.

6. Strings and Accessories

The quality of strings on the violin should not be underestimated.  Strings to a violin are what an engine is to an automobile.  The best sound is usually achieved with Perlon Core Strings, its a type of nylon that produces a warmer, richer tone and they have very good stability which means that the violin will stay in tune longer without the need to tune as often.  

Choosing a bow is a very personal choice, there are many options to choose from.  For a beginner we usually recommend a Carbon Composite bow with real horse hair as they usually outperform a wooden bow of similar cost and are much more durable.  As you advance in your ability you may want to try wooden bows made of a special wood named Pernambuco as this has been the wooden bows of choice for centuries of the worlds best violinists.

Rosin is also important, without it the violin and bow will not make any sound at all.  In the beginning you do not need a fancy or expensive rosin, a simple inexpensive rosin will work.  As you advance you can pick up some different types of rosin and will be able to hear the difference that they make. The final piece of the puzzle is the case, most beginner instruments will come with an inexpensive case that does just fine in protecting and carrying the violin and all of its accessories.  As you upgrade your violin you can shop for better cases.

Take your time, educate yourself, ask questions to your local Violin Shop and Teacher, there are lots of violins to choose from. Let us know if you have any questions.

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